Maggie has seen the commercials for Disney’s Frozen for months now and loves checking out the Anna/Elsa toys in the stores. So this past weekend, I finally decided it was time to take Maggie to the movies. She’s five years old – making her way overdue for her first movie theater experience. Needless to say, she was ECSTATIC.

“Daddy told me the movie screen would be ginormous! How big is ginormous?”
“What kinds of snacks do they have at movie theaters?”
“Can we pick out our own chair when we get there?”
You get the idea… she was really excited about seeing “the Frozen show at the Disney theater”. I couldn’t believe how excited she was about our adventure. And you should have seen her eyes light up when I bought popcorn – she refused to let me touch it. Thankfully, she gave in once the movie started and shared some with me.

When the credits started rolling at the end, Maggie started to cry – I thought she was scared because it was dark, but nope – she was crying because it was over. She wanted to know if we could stay and watch her ‘friends Anna and Elsa’ again.

Have you taken your little one to see Frozen? What did you think?
** This post contains affiliate links. We bought our own movie tickets… and lots of popcorn. **
She is so cute! We loved the movie and the soundtrack is played on repeat in the van. My husband has even been caught singing along..haha! Looking forward to the DVD coming out.
What a cutie!! My son LOVED Frozen!! He sings Let it Go all the time!!
I just saw it last weekend! Loved it!
I was about her age when I saw my first movie in the theater…Disney’s Little Mermaid! I still remember it!
What a fun post!! She’s adorable – and it sounds like she was so excited!