Articles Tagged positive thoughts

Molly First Day of School 2

Molly Milestone: A Physical Therapy Graduate! #DownSyndrome

Yesterday was a big day in the world of our little Molly.  It was a day that we’ve known was…

Things to Know: Down Syndrome and Preferred Language #downsyndrome #specialneeds

The smallest of things in my little world of Down syndrome have been bothering me lately.  I’m not sure why…

2012 Toys R Us Differentlly Abled Toy Guide

2012 Toys “R” Us Guide for Differently-Abled Kids In Stores Now!

Even before I became a special needs mom, I enjoyed checking out the Toys “R” Us Toy Guide for Differently-Abled…

My Little Miss Lucky #DownSyndrome

Not long after St. Patrick’s Day, I was browsing the WalMart clearance rack for kids clothes.  I stumbled across a…

Favorite Friday Video: Northeast Florida Buddy Walk #DownSyndrome

I wrote about our local 2011 Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome Awareness a few weeks ago, but today I wanted…

Sharing the News of Down Syndrome with Others #DownSyndrome

Call me naive, oblivious or just a mom that loves her daughter, but when I look at Molly…I don’t even…

2011 Northeast Florida Buddy Walk: Cold and Lots of Fun!

The Northeast Florida 2011 Buddy Walk was this past Saturday. Created by the National Down Syndrome Society, there are hundreds…

Target’s New Ad and #DownSyndrome

I was so excited to see a child with Down syndrome featured in this past weekend’s Target sales flyer.  Isn’t…

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month!

It was about this time last year that we shared Molly’s story of Down syndrome with our friends, extended family…

Two Different Paths of Down Syndrome and One Answer

My little world of being a mom to a cute kid with Down syndrome took some really interesting turns this…