Disney Social Media Moms: Maggie’s First Haircut at the Magic Kingdom

by Carrie with Children with 18 comments

From meeting fabulous bloggers, to gaining valuable conference knowledge and having quality family time – the Disney Social Media Moms conference was an amazing experience!  (I’m working on a wrap up post from all the great speakers. Stay tuned!)  As Meg Crofton, President of the Walt Disney World Resort told attendees, Disney’s mission is “to make memories”.  Thanks to our visit, my Maggie has a memory that will forever be a part of our family.

Maggie had her first haircut at the Walt Disney World Harmony Barber Shop on Main Street U.S.A.  in the Magic Kingdom!

Not excited. At. All.

There were a lot of tears and stickers involved, but Maggie finally has bangs and a perfect, little trim around her face.  The Harmony Barbershop is located next to Town Hall on Main Street U.S.A. As you enter the Magic Kingdom, it is in the far left corner in the Town Square.  I’ve been going to Disney my entire life and never knew it existed until Jessica at The Unemployed Mom shared the inside scoop on this post last week.   (Thanks Jessica!)

Our barber, Michal told us he had been cutting hair at Disney World for 21 years!  He was fantastic!  While this barbershop specializes in first haircuts, anyone can get a new ‘do!  Reservations are accepted, but not required.  We didn’t have a reservation and only waited about five minutes.  With all the excitement of the stickers, I’m not sure Maggie even realized she was getting a haircut!

She loved the stickers!

Besides all the fun stickers, those getting their first haircut also receive a certificate to remember the big day, cute Mickey ears that say “First Haircut” (too bad Maggie refused to wear them!) and they save a few of her curls for mom too!   Isn’t that just the coolest keepsake for a child?  What a great memory to mark Maggie’s first trip to Disney World and her first haircut!  I wish I could say my first haircut was at the Magic Kingdom!  I’m so proud of her!

Maggie's First Haircut Certificate!

The Final 'Do!

What special memories do you have of your visit to Disney World?

Disclosure: My family and I attended the Disney Social Media Moms conference at a discounted rate.  We were provided with special access to activities, some meals, gifts and discounted resort accommodations as part of our conference fees.  All opinions here are my own.

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  • Tara

    Definitely an awesome memory!

    • Carrie with Children

      Thanks, Tara! Such a fun memory – I can’t wait until she’s old enough to “get it”. 🙂

  • Tara B

    What a great memory. And how neat it is that it was her first visit to WDW. We live in Central Fl and can not wait to take our son there. He is only 6 months and I tell you I keep thinking to myself how long does his hair have to be. I am seriously thinking when he can walk he needs a haircut just because I want to go to the barbershop! My sisters made me a baby book of disney firsts for him and I can not wait to put the pictures and certificates in there.

    • Carrie with Children

      You are going to love it! We had such a great experience – Michal was so patient and friendly! I just wish Maggie would have worn the ears at least for a quick picture! 🙂

      You should definitely take your little guy as soon as he can walk! I love that you have a baby book of Disney firsts! What a great gift!

  • Nichol

    Awww she is too cute. It was difficult for me cutting both of my children’s hair but I knew it had to be done. Sounds like a wonderful place for first hair cut memories.

    • Carrie with Children

      Thanks, Nichol! I wish I was brave enough to cut Maggie’s hair. I just know that I would mess it up! 🙂

  • Jessica

    You are very welcome! I am so glad Maggie was able to have her first haircut at WDW and ESPECIALLY excited that Michal was the one performing the cut! He is a legend! I always pray he’ll be the one to cut my son’s hair, but we haven’t been that lucky yet (we’ve visited 3 times).

    Maggie’s cut is perfect! What a memory! My son’s first haircut experience at Harmony Barber Shop will indeed be a Disney memory that I will always cherish!

    • Carrie with Children

      Jessica! Thank you so much for filling us in on the scoop of the barbershop! We had an awesome experience, so much fun! Michal was fantastic! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that he’s your guy next time you go! The next time Maggie needs a haircut, maybe I can use it as an excuse to go back to Disney! 🙂

  • Jackie

    My son is sort of needing a hair but he’s only 1 and I want to keep him looking like the cute little baby instead of a grown up. I’ll just be keeping his hair the way it is until the curls are out of control!

    • Jessica

      Jackie, I hear you loud and clear! Cameron was 2 1/2 when we decided it was time, despite grief we heard from others about his curls being out of control.

  • Jody from Mommy Moment

    Awe! What a wonderful memory from your trip to Disney!

  • Connie

    Ah, that’s so sweet! I’m so sorry we didn’t get a chance to say hello during the conference!

    • Carrie with Children

      Thanks Connie! I’m so sorry we didn’t have a chance to meet too! I think they should add a speed dating/networking time for us to all interact and mingle..just for fun!

  • Melissa

    What a perfect memory for Disney World! I love it!

    The stickers crack me up so much! She’s covered!

    And she looks so gorgeous and grown up with the bangs! So sweet!

    • Carrie with Children

      Aw, thanks! 🙂 It was a great first memory of Disney World! Those stickers were hilarious! She had them ALL over herself!

  • Lorie Shewbridge

    OH, how beautiful… that is such a wonderful memory. You had me in tears – as I bet you were.
    I have heard that the Harmony Barbershop does a fabulous job with children and now I see that they do, Maggie looks beautiful. But then again, she always did.

  • Heather D

    Sorry I missed you there! Emma got her bangs cut/hair done too. Posting the pics next week!

  • Rhona miller

    Her after looks just like me as a toddler when I first saw it I thought it was me!!