Articles Tagged microsoft

Favorite Friday Video: Girls Do Science #MicrosoftBloggers

I was surprised to recently learn that 7 out of 10 young girls start out with an interest in science…

Introducing the Microsoft Band #MicrosoftBloggers

Bathing suit season is coming up soon (for some of us, it is already here)! It’s that time of year…

5 Reasons to Travel with a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 #microsoftbloggers

Between my personal travels and my role as the , I am on the road quite often. And I never…

Dear Santa – Here’s my Wish List… #MicrosoftBloggers

Dear Santa – I’ve been a really great mom this year and I thought it might be helpful to provide…

Positive Thoughts: Down Syndrome, Technology and Learning #MicrosoftBloggers

As a mom to a child with Down syndrome, I do my best to incorporate technology into our daily lives. Whether its…

Summer Fun: Microsoft Store Youth Camps #windowschampions

As school wraps up for the year, many parents are looking for ways to keep their kids active and learning…

Football Fun: Must-Have Windows 8 Apps #windowschampions

I am a huge NFL football fan and while my team didn’t make it to the big game this year…

Windows 8.1 Twitter Chat This Thursday! #WindowsChampions #WinChat

I am so excited to be a part of the Windows Champions blogger program this year!  There are so many…

Microsoft Envisioning Center Workplace

Favorite Friday Video: Microsoft’s Envisioning Center #win8officevisit #windowschampions

Last week, during my press trip to the Microsoft Campus, I had the opportunity to take a look into the…

Samsung Series 7 Slate with Windows 8

I’m Going to Seattle! #WindowsChampions #Win8OfficeVisit

I am so excited to tell you that at the end of the month, I’m crossing another city off my…